Clients Include Royalty Free Music
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note: We are no longer accepting outside submissions.
Please let us know if you need a particular style of music track.


 Kwiksounds License Agreement


1. This license grants you the synchronization rights for recordings in timed relation with audio or visual productions including: video, films, audio-only presentations, or displays for your clients. You may duplicate the music for the purposes of allowing synchronization. You may use the music on the Internet if synchronized with your audio or visual presentation and not available as a separate file or stream.
3. You may not sell the music alone. You may not sell, rent, lease, share or transfer the CD’s, recordings or written materials to any other person or company. You must treat all materials like any other copyrighted materials. Unauthorized use or duplication is a violation of this agreement and of applicable laws of the United States and other countries.
4. We grant worldwide performance rights for distributed tapes, or other media for public and non-public viewing, private and broadcast the music as part of a background music service. ASCAP grants the performance rights to the station or background originator.
5. If you are placing production credits for any music in your presentation, please use “Music By: Kwiksounds  Music Library” to give credit to our music. 


 In Simple Language


1. Once we receive your payment, or you choose the music, you agree to these terms. Pay once and never pay again.
2. You can use the music as part of your productions and you can make copies, sell and distribute your productions.
3. You can not sell the music separate from your productions. You cannot lend or give it to your friends.
4. You can distribute your productions worldwide. If your company is a background music provider like Muzak, and you broadcast the music without synchronization, you pay royalties through ASCAP or BMI. If you are not a background music provider, this does not apply to you.
5. If you are giving credit for the music in your work, please use the phrase: Music